Nye 630 Wh batterier udvider tiden i sadlen; nye 12-speed klinger og display giver SHIMANO STEPS brugerne flere muligheder.
Shimano introducerer 3 nye STEPS e-bike batterier, inkluderende indvendige og udvendige versioner med 630Wh batterierne for længere brugstid.
· Det højt ydende BT-E8036 er Shimano’s største integrerede batteri med kapacitet på 630Wh for øget rækkevidde.
· BT-E8035-L har samme dimensioner som BT-E8036 med en mindre kapacitet 504Wh, men hurtig opladning på 4 timer (80% opladet på 2,5 time).
· Lige som det integrerede batteri, er det nye BT-E8016 Shimano’s største eksterne batteri på 630 Wh. BT-E8016 passer til den nye batteriholder BT-8016 og dennes port.
De nye BT-E8036, BT-E8035-L og BT-E8016 har, som alle Shimano STEPS batterier yderst lang levetid. Selv efter 1000 fulde opladninger (Dette tager 19 år med en opladning per uge), vil batterierne stadig have 60% af deres kapacitet. Derfor kan du fokusere på at opleve turen, frem for at holde øje med batteri-indikatoren.
Med SHIMANO STEPS nyhederne, kan forbrugerne nu vælge i mellem 10 forskellige batteri muligheder, uanset om de ønsker bagagebærer monterede, eksterne- eller interne skrårørs monterede batterie, 418 Wh eller 504 Wh for hurtigere opladning eller udvide kørsels kapaciteten med 630 Wh batterier.
Shimano el-cykel kranksæt opdateres med en ny 12-speed klinge, kompatibel med 157mm O.L.D bagnav. SM-CRE80-12 kommer i 34T og 36T versioner, begge med DYNAMIC CHAIN ENGAGEMENT+ tand opbygning, hvilket forhindrer kæden i at falde af.
SC-E5000 STEPS display samler kontakter til funktionerne op- og ned justering af hjælpe niveauer, lys til og fra og adgang til display menuer i en enhed.
SC-E5000 STEPS display fungerer med allerede eksisterende SHIMANO STEPS systemer, hvilket giver forbrugerne mulighed for at opgradere deres el-cykler.
De nye SHIMANO STEPS produkter forventes i markedet sommeren 2020. Kontakt den lokale distributør for mere information vedrørende priser og levering.
3. Further Shimano press releases: See the media centre here: https://media.shimano-eu.com
4. About Shimano Europe: Founded in 1921, Shimano is dedicated to helping its customers get closer to nature, supporting people to realize their dreams and create new lifestyles. That comes with the desire to create outstanding cycling products and apparel. With almost 100 years’ experience in creating internationally renowned bicycle components, Shimano is proud to have developed products that continue to take countless athletes to victory and provide the means for limitless global bicycle journeys. For more information see www.shimano.com.
About Shimano
Shimano’s origins began in 1921 when Shimano Iron Works, the predecessor of Shimano Inc., was established by Shozaburo Shimano in Sakai city, Osaka, Japan. The first product was the bicycle freewheel, which, at that time, required the highest level of bicycle technology to produce.
By the 1950s the company was producing products such as external speed changers and internal speed changers (3-speed hub). The success of these products led to Shimano’s first overseas sales office, Shimano American Corporation (currently Shimano North America Holding, Inc.) in 1965, followed by Shimano Europe in 1973. The first overseas manufacturing base, Shimano Singapore Pte. Ltd., also opened in the same year.
In 1991, the company name became Shimano Inc. Its headquarters remain in Sakai, the city of Shimano’s birthplace. Shimano is dedicated to helping its customers get closer to nature, supporting people to realize their dreams and create new lifestyles. That comes with the desire to create outstanding cycling products and apparel.
Shimano Inc. has a wide range of functions, including planning, development, design, manufacturing, and various other support functions for supplying bicycle components as well as fishing tackle and rowing equipment.
Shimano Europe acts as the 'eyes, ears and mouth' of the global Team Shimano in Europe. Its mission is to be an excellent supplier and a valuable partner for all customers in its European markets and to create consumer demand for Shimano and Shimano-owned products.
With almost 100 years’ experience in creating internationally renowned bicycle components, Shimano is proud to have developed products that continue to take countless athletes to victory and provide the means for limitless global bicycle journeys. Visit http://cycle.shimano-eu.com for more information.
Contact details
- Ida Jansson
PR & Communications officer Shimano Nordics
Edsbrogatan 1 F
752 28 Uppsala
T: +46 73-082 17 59
M: +46 76-610 74 01 - ida.jansson@shimano-eu.com
- +46730821759